To do computations, change percentages to decimals. Let J, M, B and L stand for Jim's, Marcia's, Bob's, and Lee's respective weights. Then we know J = 1.4M, B = .9L, and L = 2M. We need to know B as a percentage of J. Since B = .9L and L = 2M, we have B = .9(2M) = 1.8M. J = 1.4M is equivalent to M = (1/(1.4))J. So B = 1.8M = 1.8(1/(1.4))J = (1 2/7)J. Converting 1 2/7 to a percentage, we have 1 2/7 = 1.28 4/7 = 128 4/7%, so (D) is the correct answer
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